Thursday, August 29, 2013

Planet Stewardship Part 1: Introduction

As of this writing, I have written 87 articles on energy in matter in our universe, and I am not done yet. Focused primarily on physics, chemistry and mathematics, this exploration has been tremendously personally satisfying. I have always had a scientific itch to scratch and I thank all readers for following me along the way.

My Garden Buddha
What I did not expect was to find a deep respect for our planet growing within me at the same time. Maybe because I have explored her inner workings and how she behaves that I have grown conscious of how intimately I am connected to this rare wonderful planet. Life on Earth remains, despite great scientific pondering, absolutely enigmatic. We are part of a world that is born, breathes, evolves, recycles, kills, nurtures and dies.

A Cacao Fruit
I am greatly moved when I look at all the myriad physical processes that culminated in me at this moment. And at the same time, it occurs to me that this moment is like moving sand. The Earth, and everything in the universe, is in constant flux and I am just a brief and tiny blip along the way. I think Japanese culture most deeply embraces this sense of mono no aware (bittersweet brevity) as well as a sense of yƫgen, a profound, dark and mysterious grace that percolates through everything in existence.
My Husband, Joe

Me Exploring
My Garden In Spring
Earth is deeply beautiful and I am passionate to help care for it and keep it that way, because the future is counting on us. This to me is what stewardship means.  
My Daughter, Joleen

I invite you to choose a quiet space and time to explore what stewardship means to you.


Please use this page to quickly find the article* you are looking for. Just "CLICK" to go to the article.


Alberta's Oil Sands: A Primer on the Industry and its Impact CLICK
Fracking: Alberta's Imminent Disaster CLICK


Earth's Atmosphere Part 1: Introduction CLICK
Earth's Atmosphere Part 2: Composition CLICK
Earth's Atmosphere Part 3: Structure CLICK
Earth's Atmosphere Part 4: Evolution of Earth's Atmosphere CLICK
Earth's Atmosphere Part 5: Comparing Mars And Venus To Earth CLICK
Earth's Atmosphere Part 6: Comparing Titan's and Earth's Atmospheres CLICK
Earth's Atmosphere Part 7: Are There Any Other Earths Out There? CLICK
Earth's Atmosphere Part 8: How To Care For Earth's Atmosphere CLICK


Atoms Part 1: How Atoms Are Made CLICK
Atoms Part 2: Atoms and Light CLICK
Atoms Part 3: Atoms and Heat CLICK
Atoms Part 4A: Atoms and Chemistry - Atomic Orbitals and Bonding CLICK
Atoms Part 4B: Atoms and Chemistry - Ionic and Covalent Bonds CLICK
Atoms Part 4C: Atoms and Chemistry - Bond Hybridization CLICK
Atoms Part 4D: Atoms and Chemistry - Polar Covalent and Metallic Bonds CLICK
Atoms Part 4E: Atoms and Chemistry - Conclusion CLICK
Electrons, Strings and Spooky Action CLICK


Photosynthesis CLICK
Planet Stewardship Part 1: Introduction CLICK
Ecotourism: A Personal Evolution CLICK
Purple Martins: One Man's Journey CLICK


Gemstones Part 1: The Science of Their Colour CLICK
Gemstones Part 2: Silicate Gems CLICK
Gemstones Part 3: Non-silicate Gems CLICK


History of the Periodic Table Part 1: From Alchemy to Mendeleev CLICK
History of the Periodic Table Part 2: What is Atomic Mass? CLICK


Lightning Part 1: Lightning Begins With a Thundercloud CLICK
Lightning Part 2: Lightning is Electricity CLICK
Lightning Part 3: The Lightning Bolt CLICK


Magnetism Explained Part 1: An Introduction To Magnetism CLICK
Magnetism Explained Part 2: The Mechanism of Magnetism CLICK
Magnetism Explained Part 3: Ferromagnetism CLICK
Magnetism Explained Part 4: Other Kinds of Magnetic Ordering CLICK
Magnetism Explained Part 5: Electromagnetism CLICK


Our Solar System Part 1: Earth CLICK
Our Solar System Part 2: Mars CLICK
Our Solar System Part 3: Venus CLICK
Our Solar System Part 4: The Goldilocks Zone CLICK
Our Solar System Part 5: Mercury CLICK
Our Solar System Part 6: Neptune CLICK
Our Solar System Part 7: Saturn CLICK
Our Solar System Part 8: Jupiter CLICK
Our Solar System Part 9: Uranus CLICK
Our Solar System Part 10: More Than Just Planets and a Star CLICK


Our Universe Part 1: Water (and introduction to matter and energy) CLICK
Our Universe Part 2: The Big Bang CLICK
Our Universe Part 3: Planck Epoch CLICK
Our Universe Part 4: Grand Unification Epoch CLICK
Our Universe Part 5: Inflationary Epoch CLICK
Our Universe Part 6: Electroweak Epoch CLICK
Our Universe Part 7: Quark Epoch CLICK
Our Universe Part 8: Hadron Epoch CLICK
Our Universe Part 9: Lepton Epoch CLICK
Our Universe Part 10: Photon Epoch CLICK
Our Universe Part 11: Decoupling Epoch CLICK
Our Universe Part 12: The Dark Age CLICK
Our Universe Part 13: Stelliferous Era CLICK
Our Universe Part 14: The End of the Universe CLICK


Curiosity on Mars CLICK
Faster Than the Speed of Light: The Neutrino Story CLICK
Higgs Boson CLICK
Holographic Universe CLICK
Jandreams Series For Young Children (an ibook project in progress) CLICK
Quasiparticles CLICK
Radiation: What Is Happening In Japan? CLICK


All About the Particles In Physics CLICK
Antimatter CLICK
Gravity CLICK
Jam Science (my trials making the stuff you eat on toast) CLICK
String Theory CLICK
The Behaviour of Light CLICK
The Northern Lights CLICK
Very Hot, Very Cold - Superfluids Demonstrate The Strangeness of Atoms CLICK
Gauge Theory CLICK
Supersymmetry CLICK
Dark Matter CLICK
Dark Energy Part 1 CLICK
Dark Energy Part 2 CLICK
Dark Energy Part 3 CLICK
Dark Energy Part 4 CLICK
Dark Energy Part 5 CLICK
Dark Energy Part 6 CLICK
Dark Energy Part 7 CLICK
Dark Energy Part 8 CLICK
Dark Energy Part 9 CLICK
Dark Energy Part 10 CLICK
Dark Energy Part 11 CLICK
Dark Energy Part 12 CLICK
Dark Energy Part 13 CLICK
Zen For Scientific (And All) Explorers CLICK
Fractal Universe Part 1 CLICK
Fractal Universe Part 2 CLICK
Fractal Universe Part 3 CLICK


Stellar Objects Part 1: Introduction to Stars CLICK
Stellar Objects Part 2: Neutron Stars CLICK
Stellar Objects Part 3: Quark Stars CLICK
Stellar Objects Part 4: Magnetars CLICK
Stellar Objects Part 5: Black Holes CLICK
Stellar Objects Part 6: Quasars CLICK
Stellar Objects Part 7: Wormholes CLICK


The Sun Part 1: Evidence of a Violent Star CLICK
The Sun Part 2: From Gas Cloud to Nuclear Fusion CLICK
The Sun Part 3: The Sun is Full of Plasma CLICK
The Sun Part 4: Helium Eventually Seals the Sun's Fate CLICK
The Sun Part 5: How the Inner Layers Work CLICK
The Sun Part 6: Photosphere and Chromosphere CLICK
The Sun Part 7: The Corona CLICK
The Sun Part 8: The Sun's Heliosphere CLICK